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Ariana Kelly - page 3

Ariana Kelly

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich (D) and local lawmakers sent letters to businesses in states that have restricted abortion, pitching Maryland as a “welcoming, diverse and inclusionary place.”

Now that most of the races have been called, it’s time to talk about abortion access.

Montgomery County keeps growing, but its political influence is diminishing.

Maryland abortion clinics are “facing an overload of patients” after the Supreme Court’s reversal Roe v. Wade, a Montgomery County clinic administrator said this…

If the advocates succeed in putting the question on the ballot in November, Maryland voters can choose to essentially veto the legislation.

Democratic lawmakers pressed again Friday for the release of $3.5 million to train clinicians as Maryland’s expanded abortion law is set to take effect…

Democrats always seem to be a few steps behind the Republicans when it comes to gaming the system.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down a nearly 50-year-old right to abortion would lead to strict restrictions or bans by states across nearly…

Both lawmakers represent District 21, which is anchored in Prince George’s County and includes a piece of Anne Arundel County.