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Ariana Kelly - page 4

Ariana Kelly

The Maryland Senate gave final approval Tuesday to a bill that would expand who can perform abortions in the state and provide $3.5 million…

The Maryland House of Delegates gave preliminary approval to the Climate Solutions Now Act on Monday, with changes that include delaying the date for…

Following nearly 2 1/2 hours of debate, the Senate gave preliminary approval Friday to the Abortion Care Access Act, which would allow nurse practitioners,…

Lawmakers began the legislative session considering a measure that would offer paid family and medical leave to all Marylanders, but a key House committee…

The Maryland General Assembly advanced bills on Friday that would ban the sale and ownership of unserialized firearms, or “ghost guns.” The Senate preliminarily…

The House chamber moved consequential abortions access legislation one step closer to the Senate after an hour-and-a-half of respectful debate on Wednesday.

The General Assembly session reached an emotional crescendo Tuesday as a House committee heard bills designed to protect and extend abortion rights in Maryland….

House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) announced that she is sponsoring legislation aimed at enshrining abortion access in the state constitution.

The transition hasn’t all been seamless, and it comes as reproductive rights across the U.S. are being threatened as never before.

With 751 fewer child care providers in Maryland 18 months after the COVID-19 pandemic forced many to close or scale back, providers say they…