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Government & Politics - page 191

Does Maryland’s new congressional map disenfranchise farmers?

Spending plan is built on an unprecedented level of fund balances and revenue growth.

A final Senate vote on the Democratic plan is expected Thursday.

A report found that over 60% of surveyed state agencies have not performed cybersecurity risk assessments.

Public Defender

Advice to judges, lawmakers and politicians, offered with “the proper degree of humility.”

Kelly Schulz at Tawes Clam Bake

Also on Tuesday, Harford County Executive Barry Glassman, Republican candidate for comptroller, announced a nearly half-million-dollar account balance.

Maryland senators advanced a legislative redistricting proposal Tuesday that could help vulnerable Democrats in the upcoming election.

The number of undecided voters in the poll was less than half of what it had been in the only two prior publicly released polls on the primary.

Restaurants line Main Street

Under federal policy, benefits can’t be used for hot or prepared foods. But that policy is shifting in Maryland and other states.

Adams’ loan to his own campaign seems carefully designed to put him slightly ahead of his Democratic primary opponent when it comes to cash on hand.