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Energy & Environment - page 26

Many of Maryland’s past elected officials — Republicans and Democrats alike — have a history of yielding to the powerful poultry chicken industry, the authors write.

What the numbers say about the possibility of Maryland congressional seats changing hands.

The Chesapeake Bay defines our region, and we owe it more than just happy talk before it dies before our eyes, Tom Pelton writes.

Raising awareness about health and environmental issues among Latino children and families.

Lawsuit charges that there are deficiencies in the environmental review, which won federal approval for the project to move forward.

Environmentalists are somewhat skeptical about offcials’ commitments to meet Bay cleanup goals.

Billions of dollars in upgrades will be necessary to accommodate the offshore wind buildout contemplated by state and federal leaders.

Utilities are on track to spend tens of billions of dollars replacing their entire local distribution systems and expanding pipeline capacity.

Deficiencies in the agriculture and stormwater sectors could derail the progress of even those states that have made major strides in stemming pollution.

Under the past three presidential administrations, the working definitions of waters of the United States have shifted.