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Energy & Environment - page 28

The group of U.S. House Democrats asking the chamber’s leaders not to include environmental permitting changes in a stopgap spending deal this month comprises…

More than 50 U.S. House members are objecting to a push to revise federal environmental permitting requirements for energy projects — part of a…

The Great Maryland Outdoors Act, the largest state government investment in Maryland parks, is starting to have an impact.

Residents and environmentalists fighting to stop a developer from clearing a forest in Harford County won their day in court, but it has come too late to spare the 326-acre tract from the bulldozers.

Lack of uniform access to safe drinking water can lead to financial and public health crises, experts say.

Climate Justice

We can celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act’s investments in renewable energy while also being clear-eyed about the alarming trade-offs it took to get here, the author argues.

County officials flock to session focusing on the looming competition for federal infrastructure funds.

The initiative will be especially beneficial to low- and moderate-income homeowners, who often aren’t able to afford the upfront costs associated with making their homes more energy efficient.

Every state will see clean energy investments soar if the bill becomes law, but Maryland is especially well positioned.

Over the course of the next year, the U.S. House and Senate Agriculture committees will draft a new federal farm bill that will shape food, farm, conservation and nutrition programs across the country.