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Commentary - page 139

Maryland Matters welcomes guest commentary submissions at [email protected].

We suggest a 750-word limit and reserve the right to edit or reject submissions.

Opinion pieces must be signed by at least one individual using their real name. We do not accept columns signed by an organization.

We do not accept columns that are endorsements of candidates, and no longer accept submissions from elected officials or political candidates.

Views of writers are their own.

If Del. Dereck E. Davis (D-Prince George’s) loses his bid to become speaker of the Maryland house on Wednesday, it won’t be because he’s…

The Maryland House of Delegates faces a historic decision on Wednesday. For the first time since 2002, we will elect a new speaker. And…

Like father, like son. For former Sen. Paul Sarbanes and his Congressman son, John, impeachment is the tie that binds. At no other point…

When 17-year House Speaker Mike Busch (D-Anne Arundel) passed away on Sine Die eve, the grieving was nearly unanimous. Almost immediately thereafter, the long-time…

When the Russians decided to hack the 2016 U.S. presidential election, they knew exactly what they were getting: A President Trump who would create…

The first presidential forum organized by and for women of color took place Wednesday at the Texas Southern University in Houston. Led by founder…

No child should go hungry – ever. But for some kids in Maryland, summer vacation and winter break can be especially difficult. That’s because…

We were quite disappointed in Maryland Matters’ opinion column “Frank DeFilippo: Coming to America” (April 22). Concerns about the lack of assimilation of immigrants…

Pepe can still cut grass and hang drywall and Lupe can still make beds and pick crab meat. But legal or illegal, they’ll have…

Before Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. announced the proposed county budget for the next fiscal year, I had my doubts what kind of…