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Justin Ready - page 6

Justin Ready

Republican state lawmakers want to require that voters show some form of identification before casting their ballots. At a Thursday press conference, Senators Justin…

Animal Welfare

It is already clear that the 2021 Maryland legislative session will be like none other: Our session opened with plexiglass and protocols, increased security…

Less than a week before the start of the General Assembly session, Maryland Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) on Thursday announced assignments for…

By Ryan McFadden Lawmakers are pushing for a statewide mandate requiring every police department in Maryland to equip officers with body cameras. But the…

In the wake of George Floyd’s killing and the protests that followed, the Maryland General Assembly will be taking on policing reform when it…

Votes on high-profile taxes and spending increases during the 2020 session earned the Maryland Senate a dismal rating on a pro-business group’s annual scorecard,…

Earlier this year, two Republican state senators answered President Trump’s call for nominees to a proposed “National Garden of American Heroes” by suggesting that…

Despite dissent from Republican members, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee heard its first round of police accountability bills at a virtual hearing Tuesday afternoon,…

Republicans penned a letter to Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) on Monday, requesting that he cancel the multi-day police reform bill hearings scheduled…

At the height of his railing against “cancel culture” earlier this summer, President Trump issued an executive order creating the Interagency Task Force for…