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Barbara Mikulski - page 3

Officially, the special congressional election in Maryland’s 7th District Tuesday pits former Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D) against conservative commentator Kimberly Klacik (R) for the…

Who would have thought, as the last decade dawned, that a real estate guy name Donald Trump would become president of the United States?…

Gender disparities in American politics weren’t upended by the 2018 election, but representation by women increased – particularly among Democrats. A new report from…

Today Maryland Matters offers a preview of the newest edition of the Almanac of American Politics, the classic political reference book for political junkies…

Despite his stinging loss to Republican Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. in 2014, Maryland Rep. Anthony G. Brown (D) is open to making another play…

When Del. Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) left her home in Woodstock Wednesday morning to come to Annapolis, she never imagined that she’d wind…

Maryland’s longest-serving House speaker, Michael Erin Busch, was welcomed back to the State House one final time Monday afternoon. He will lie in repose…

Just before Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) became speaker in 2003, five of the six committees in the House of Delegates were led by…

Presidential election cycles tend to be less eventful in Maryland then gubernatorial cycles — in part because there are fewer offices and fewer candidates…

Maryland Democrats saved the biggest gun for the last days of the campaign. Former U.S. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulksi (D) hit several Democratic rallies…