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Justice - page 32

Public Defender

House and Senate lawmakers are making another attempt this session to limit criminal penalties for Marylanders who use illicit drugs. House Judiciary Committee Vice…

Achieving the goal of protecting Baltimore and its most vulnerable residents will require efforts by stakeholders representing the full spectrum of our city.

On the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, four men affiliated with the Kansas City chapter of the right-wing Proud Boys gathered on the west…

Lawmakers must address incarceration of young people. Keeping kids in the juvenile system and funding supportive programming prevents recidivism.

The colorful Montgomery County defense attorney, a Republican candidate for governor, was barred from practicing law this week, following a lengthy disbarment process.

Court of Appeals conducts review of County Council plan that won narrow approval despite heated opposition.

Former county executive says state leaders would be “going nuts” if whites were dying in large numbers.

An omnibus juvenile justice reform bill seeks to stop charging children for petty crimes and focus resources on kids who are in need of intervention services.

Parents at a Thursday congressional hearing about missing and murdered women of color detailed their frustrating attempts to get the attention of law enforcement and media. 


The bill would mandate minimum security requirements for licensed gun dealers to prevent their shops from being robbed.