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William C. Smith Jr.

Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee make some changes to the House version of the juvenile reform package, but left some provisions in.

A Senate committee recommends Diane Butler for confirmation but some reservations remain. Lam, panel’s vice chair, joins two others in opposition.

Hours before the Senate approved gun measure, House of Delegates move similar bill one step closer.

The House and Senate voted on child sexual abuse legislation that took years for both to approve simultaneously.

Legislation would permit survivors of child sexual abuse to file civil claims at any time.

Legislation seeks to allow unit to prosecute police-involved killings throughout the state.

By Sen. William C. Smith Jr. The writer, a Democrat, represents Montgomery County District 20 in the Maryland Senate. He is chair of the…

After a House panel advanced a rental relief proposal with significant restrictions Tuesday night, fair housing advocates turned to the state Senate in a…

Del. Brooke E. Lierman (D-Baltimore City) announced Thursday that she plans to run for state comptroller in 2022 – an office she hopes to…

Republicans penned a letter to Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) on Monday, requesting that he cancel the multi-day police reform bill hearings scheduled…