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Larry Hogan - page 247

Larry Hogan

Introducing a new and occasional feature in Maryland Matters. Maryland has excellent aggregators of state news outlets. But it’s sometimes easy to miss good and…

The squabbling and sense of uncertainty surrounding gubernatorial debates intensified on Friday, as Democrat Benjamin T. Jealous announced that he has accepted invitations from…

CRISFIELD — They keep coming back. Year after year, they drive for hours in cars, buses and RVs, on what often feels like the…

The debate over gubernatorial debates has begun. A spokeswoman for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Benjamin T. Jealous said Wednesday that incumbent Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan…

Maryland Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) took to social media on Monday to express anger over the remarks President Trump made following his…

A veteran political organizer who helped lead Maryland Democrats to victory earlier this decade is returning to run the party’s coordinated campaign, officials said. David…

There are 1.709 million reasons why Democrats should be concerned as they mobilize for the November general election. That’s the combined number of Republicans…

Last month’s primary elections demonstrated Marylanders are not as energized as we have seen voters in many other states’ elections since President Trump took…

A week after the election, Maryland Democrats are wondering whether their nominee, former NAACP president Benjamin T. Jealous, can defeat Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan…

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr.’s campaign rolled out a group of Democratic endorsements on Thursday, calling them “proof of the governor’s track record of…