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Larry Hogan - page 170

Larry Hogan

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) rejected a Southern Maryland lawmaker’s claim that the state hasn’t done enough to ease the region’s grueling commutes….

The special election to fill the remainder of the late-Rep. Elijah E. Cummings’ (D-Md.) congressional term is being held over the same period as…

Gov. Larry Hogan is a victim of his own popularity. He’s unable to translate his poll-tested high standing with the voting public into bending…

State Del. Stephanie M. Smith (D) was elected Friday to chair the Baltimore City House delegation following the resignation of former chairwoman Cheryl D….

State lawmakers and local officials from Southern Maryland served notice on Thursday that they intend to launch a full court press to bring commuter…

A bill that would increase transparency into law enforcement investigations is back before the Maryland General Assembly, after failing to get a vote in…

By Elizabeth Hardison Saying that Pennsylvania has repeatedly failed to uphold its commitments to reduce pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan…

Maryland’s top legislators on Wednesday committed to attempting to find a legislative solution to a 13-year lawsuit filed against the state by alumni and…

While lawmakers were making history on the first floor of the Maryland State House Wednesday, an ugly contract fight with potential legal implications for…

Legislative leaders sent mixed signals Wednesday on whether to probe Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr.’s relationship with his development firm, with one chamber expressing…