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Government & Politics - page 460

On the day after voters handed Democrats control of the House of Representatives, President Trump said members of the opposition party can work to…

Democrat Steuart Pittman, the Anne Arundel County executive-elect, announced Wednesday that former county executive Janet Owens (D) and outgoing County Councilman Chris Trumbauer (D)…

Democrat David J. Trone will be the last person to represent the 6th Congressional District as it’s currently drawn. The morning after Trone succeeded…

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) on Wednesday said voters rewarded him on Election Day for his bipartisan, problem-solving approach to governing, and he…

Democrat John A. “Johnny O” Olszewski Jr. roundly defeated Alfred W. Redmer Jr. in the race for Baltimore County executive Tuesday, capturing 57 percent…

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R), reveling in his resounding reelection victory, said Wednesday that he intends to become involved in ongoing conversations about…

Six Democratic members of Maryland’s congressional delegation will have lunch together in Baltimore on Wednesday afternoon, along with Rep.-elect David J. Trone (D), who…

Heading into the election, Maryland Republicans had two principal goals: Reelect Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. and take away Democrats’ veto-proof majority in the…

It’s not clear how he would fare on real waves in the Chesapeake Bay, but Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. rode his “purple surfboard”…

Democrats made significant gains in the House of Delegates Tuesday night, bringing the number of seats they’ll hold in the next legislative term to…