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Commentary - page 26

Maryland Matters welcomes guest commentary submissions at [email protected].

We suggest a 750-word limit and reserve the right to edit or reject submissions.

Opinion pieces must be signed by at least one individual using their real name. We do not accept columns signed by an organization.

We do not accept columns that are endorsements of candidates, and no longer accept submissions from elected officials or political candidates.

Views of writers are their own.

The problem with offshore wind is the cost of managing large scale intermittency on clean systems with no cheap fossil fuel backup, the author writes.

Visionary reforms that will help keep Montgomery County growing and thriving while promoting affordability and inclusion.

To those who continue to spread the falsehood that we can’t say ‘Merry Christmas,’ please, knock it off.

Since the stone age, winter festivals have bestowed their warming glow of fire and light and bountiful feast in nearly every culture of human civilization.

‘Every danger is an opportunity,’ John F. Kennedy told his brother Bobby.

How can we create a pro-democracy electorate where the conspiracy seeds may fall but not spread?


Now is the time for research and answers on all Chesapeake Bay restoration projects regardless of who is doing them and what they say about their efforts.

A shift to district-only voting for commissioners has the potential to shift the way commissioners view the job and be more district-focused.

The romantic longings of fat-bodied people are just like everyone else’s, except…

Without public clues as to who the administration is considering to lead the department, all that’s available is to lay out what directions they might take and why.