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Steny Hoyer - page 18

Steny Hoyer

The Redistricting Reform Act of 2020 (Senate Bill 284, introduced at the request of Gov. Larry Hogan) is scheduled to be heard before the…

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump delivered his third — and possibly final — State of the Union address Tuesday night on the floor of…

President Trump will deliver the State of the Union address to Congress Tuesday night as an impeachment vote looms in the U.S. Senate later…

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, a national organization that advocates for social and economic justice, has given high marks to Maryland’s Democratic members…

Six of Maryland’s seven incumbents in the House of Representatives are sitting on campaign war chests of $1 million or more for their re-elections…

U.S. House Democrats this week unveiled plans to spend $760 billion over five years on infrastructure upgrades throughout the country.  A central theme throughout…

Virginia’s sprint to green-light the Equal Rights Amendment this month was heralded by proponents across the country.  Buoyed by new Democratic majorities in both…

Legislative leaders sent mixed signals Wednesday on whether to probe Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr.’s relationship with his development firm, with one chamber expressing…

Like any seasoned politician, House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) has adorned her office with pictures of famous political personages and other memorabilia….

As Maryland House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) and incoming Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) step into the roles long held by…