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Hans Riemer - page 3

Hans Riemer

Montgomery County Councilman Hans Riemer (D) announced his plans to run for county executive Tuesday, framing himself as a more progressive alternative to current…

Progressive community organizer Brandy Brooks made her bid for an at-large seat on the Montgomery County Council official. Brooks, an educator and Montgomery County…

David Blair, the businessman and philanthropist who finished just 77 votes out of the money in the 2018 Democratic primary for Montgomery County executive,…

When a child is arrested by a police officer stationed in a Baltimore City public school, they are handcuffed, placed in cages, photographed and…

Jason Melara is a former Montgomery County Public Schools student who frequently found himself in traumatic situations with police officers stationed at his high…

After years of dismal news about troubling trends, including one of the region’s weakest rates of job creation, Montgomery County is showing signs of…

Businessman David T. Blair is pulling no punches while critiquing Montgomery County Executive Marc B. Elrich’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, laying the groundwork…

Despite dissent from Republican members, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee heard its first round of police accountability bills at a virtual hearing Tuesday afternoon,…

It took 38 minutes to ride my bicycle from home to a news conference in front of the Dennis Avenue Health Center in Silver…

Stung by a court decision last week that allows their private sector partners to walk off the job, Maryland transit officials on Tuesday vowed…