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Courtney Watson - page 3

Democrats made significant gains in the House of Delegates Tuesday night, bringing the number of seats they’ll hold in the next legislative term to…

The 2018 election cycle has been absolutely electrifying. From congressional candidates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Brooklyn and Rashida Tlaib in Detroit, state’s attorney contenders Larry…

A controversial conservative icon is coming to Maryland later this week. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., a vocal law-and-order politician famous for…

Eight races for Senate Democrats currently hold a commanding 33-14 seat edge in the upper chamber, but if Republicans can flip five seats, they’ll…

With so much focus on Republicans’ bid to pick up five state Senate seats this November – which would enable them to sustain Gov….

There’s been much speculation about what the current national political situation might mean for races in Maryland in 2018. Many political professionals believe Gov….