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Brooke Lierman - page 10

Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski Jr. (D) endorsed Del. Brooke E. Lierman (D-Baltimore City) for comptroller in his first statewide endorsement of the…

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) is expected to decide Friday whether to veto dozens of bills or allow them to become law on…

Moore called the endorsement an ‘incredible milestone’ in his campaign.

Legendary former U.S. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D), the first woman to be elected statewide in Maryland, offered her first endorsement of the 2022…


State’s attempt to advance new policy with input from all perspectives has garnered praise from a packaging industry expert.

The list includes more than a dozen lawmakers who serve with his principal Democratic primary foe in the House of Delegates.

This is a significant decrease from the market value of $197 million that Maryland had invested in Russia at the start of February.

A state senator slammed the comptroller for not acting sooner to make vendor payment information publicly available.

This vote does not rule out future emergency regulations requiring masks.

The timing of the report’s release is designed to pressure lawmakers to divest all state pension fund investments from fossil fuel companies.