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Bill Ferguson - page 12

Bill Ferguson

The day before the Maryland General Assembly session begins, Democrats in Annapolis vowed to pursue progressive policy expansions and expressed hope for the next…

In many state capitals, four years as a presiding officer of a legislative chamber is a pretty robust tenure. In the Maryland State House,…

What better way for special interest groups to curry favor with policymakers than to pony up during the run-up to the first session of the legislative term?

The committee realignment in many ways reflects the expertise and priorities of the two new chairmen but also clarifies the jurisdiction over certain issues.

Two Prince Georgians set to join the Moore Administration; one departure will have a huge impact on policymaking in the General Assembly.

Hours later, legislative panel endorses spending guidelines that leaders describe as ‘fiscally responsible’

Oftentimes, the chatter about the names you hear for key positions are coming directly from the wannabes who wish to serve in the Moore administration or from people who are close to them.

Two-day orientation offers incoming legislators valuable tricks of the trade

A watchdog group catalogues which corporations are naughty and nice when it comes to supporting democracy.

The new law prioritizes pockets of poverty, giving schools services they need to thrive.