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Adrienne Jones - page 12

Adrienne Jones

The comptroller, a candidate for governor, said his office will use its “hammer” if needed.

“Political” Floor Remarks Draw Rebuke From Speaker Jones  With weary legislators closing in a on a key deadline to move bills from one chamber…

The Maryland General Assembly advanced bills on Friday that would ban the sale and ownership of unserialized firearms, or “ghost guns.” The Senate preliminarily…

A person fills a car with gasoline from a green pump

Maryland’s budget surplus is expected to grow by another $1.6 billion, totaling about $7.5 billion over the next two years.

The House chamber moved consequential abortions access legislation one step closer to the Senate after an hour-and-a-half of respectful debate on Wednesday.

The House of Delegates gave unanimous approval Thursday to a trio of bills that would cut sales tax on commonly used baby care and…

Members of the General Assembly rolled out a package of bills to offer more protections to state and local government online networks on Wednesday.

Several dozen people gathered in front of the State House on Wednesday evening, holding battery-powered candles and blue and yellow flags in a vigil…


The bill would mandate minimum security requirements for licensed gun dealers to prevent their shops from being robbed.

The House of Delegates passed legislation on Friday that will allow Maryland voters to determine if recreational cannabis use should be legalized and enshrined in the constitution.