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Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs Commission - page 2

Cuts to transportation, increased education spending, and a structural budget deficit put pressure on budgets and local governments.

Decision to cut $3.3 billion has some officials spitballing solutions even as angst grows over a coming budget challenge and increased education funding requirements.

Although some maintenance will be delayed, maintenance to improve safety will be prioritized, transportation secretary said.

Interim report from the Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs Commission could recommend ways to bolster the state’s fund for road and transit projects.

Maryland’s Department of Transportation is facing billions in cuts to address shortfalls that will squeeze operations and construction budgets. State officials spent the better…

Tolls on Maryland’s tunnels and bridges have not increased in a decade. That era may soon be at an end.

A decades old system for providing state aid to local projects could be overhauled by a blue ribbon commission.

Moving to a surcharge based on the number of miles driven is one change the state’s new Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs Commission could recommend.