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Nicole Hanson-Mundell

The legislature passed a capital budget measure to funnel $2 million toward the planning and construction of a women’s pre-release center.

After an unconventional 2020 election which saw unprecedented absentee ballot use, Maryland lawmakers instituted a slew of election reforms during the 2021 legislative session….

Maryland lawmakers are planning wide-ranging election reforms during the 2021 legislative session, including requiring special elections for filling vacant House and Senate seats and…

Voting rights advocates announced Monday that the Maryland State Board of Elections is partnering with nonprofit organizations to expand absentee ballot access to eligible…

Voter Rights

Maryland has a primary election Tuesday, tacking an unproven voting process onto multiple days of civil unrest in the midst of an international public…

Convicted felons who’ve served their sentences can vote in Maryland elections. But the vast majority of them don’t know that they are eligible to…