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Medicaid unwinding

Well over 300,000 people have lost Medicaid coverage, according to monthly data updates from the Department of Health. And there is still one month left in the Medicaid unwinding period for Maryland.

By the end of February, the Department of Health had processed at least 1.4 million people on Medicaid in the state to see if they still qualify for the low-income health insurance program.

With only three months left in the 12-month redetermination process, Md. Health Benefit Exchange director believes the exchange will continue to see growth during the final rounds of disenrollments.

Over 245,000 Marylanders have lost health care coverage from Medicaid in a eligibility redetermination period referred to as ‘Medicaid unwinding.’

Fewer than 9,000 Marylanders lost Medicaid coverage last month, the lowest number of terminations since April, when the state began discontinuing coverage on a…

Inappropriate Medicaid terminations, computer errors and even call center wait times have added hurdles for some of the 1.8 million Marylanders waiting to see if their coverage will be renewed.