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David Romans

Billions in deficits over the remainder of Moore’s term have some lawmakers asking about tax increases.

Legislature’s fiscal advisers believe the state can weather a financial storm if a recession hits.

Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R), Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) and House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) announced a coordinated plan…

A bipartisan panel of Maryland legislators has recommended tapping the state’s Rainy Day Fund to help close an anticipated budget gap in 2022. The…

Officials have spent more than 90% of the $1.653 billion allocated to Maryland as part of the Congressional Coronavirus Relief Fund, Department of Budget…

Maryland received a massive pot of COVID-19 relief money from the federal government, but how much of that money will be spent remains unknown…

Thousands of Marylanders could lose their homes when a federal moratorium on evictions ends later this month – but state officials might be able…

Maryland is expected to receive almost $5 billion in federal assistance to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including substantial chunks of money to bolster…

Maryland’s unemployment figures continued to skyrocket on Thursday, and the figures are expected to continue rising as social-distancing remains in place and additional workers…

Fiscal analysts encouraged the General Assembly’s budget committees on Monday to do more this year to address the state’s structural deficit ― particularly before…