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Dana Stein - page 5

The Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee has advanced an omnibus climate action bill that would put Maryland on track towards achieving statewide…

Maryland lawmakers are planning wide-ranging election reforms during the 2021 legislative session, including requiring special elections for filling vacant House and Senate seats and…

Maryland would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% and plant 5 million trees by 2030, under a revamped, ambitious climate change bill that lawmakers…

State lawmakers want to extend Maryland’s moratorium on evictions through January of 2021 as a potential “tsunami of evictions” looms later this month. Maryland’s…

After resisting legislation to ban the chemical for the past few General Assembly sessions, the Maryland Agriculture Department announced Wednesday that it would take…

Maryland gubernatorial candidates could choose their running mates after the primary election instead of designating them when they file to run for governor, if…

The looming departure of Judicial Proceedings Committee Chairman Robert A. Zirkin (D-Baltimore County) only accelerates the pace of change that’s already coming to the…

Confirming a rumor that has been swirling around Annapolis for several weeks, Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Chairman Robert A. Zirkin (D-Baltimore County) told two…

Maryland schools will now be required to give enhanced instruction about the Holocaust, the state superintendent of schools announced Wednesday. The Maryland State Department…

Maryland House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones has appointed another African American woman as her speaker pro tem. Del. Sheree Sample-Hughes (D-Lower Shore), who has…