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William Newton

A Senate committee recommends Diane Butler for confirmation but some reservations remain. Lam, panel’s vice chair, joins two others in opposition.

Maryland Matters has obtained copies of some of the emails and social media posts that have stalled Diane Butler’s nomination to the State Board of Elections.

Committee focuses on nominee’s social media posts and emails.


Diane Butler is the fourth Republican nominated for two seats on the state board of elections. A fifth nominee is being held because he is a filed candidate.

Senate President Bill Ferguson said the recent arrest and resignation of a Republican member of the State Board of Elections means some future nominations will face more scrutiny.


The leader of the state Republican Party said she will offer up a new nomination to fill a spot on the Maryland State Board…

Governor says Republican William Newton is ‘not an appropriate selection for this important position of public trust.’

Several competitive open-seat Senate primaries are now in the process of being called.