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Government & Politics - page 115

The incoming Moore-Miller administration is turning to a trio of young but seasoned veterans of state government and politics to help them.

Oftentimes, the chatter about the names you hear for key positions are coming directly from the wannabes who wish to serve in the Moore administration or from people who are close to them.

State House sunshine

The public’s ability to monitor government actions is eroded when document requests bring a big bill, legal groups say

Several Maryland political leaders were present at the White House for the historic bill signing.


The votes to join the state’s largest public employee union were overwhelming

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are the fastest-growing populations in the United States, with record turnout during the last election cycle

Developer-friendly zoning planks are erased by self-styled ‘People’s Council’ just days after taking office

If Montgomery County leaders are serious about transparency in government, land use development would be a good place to start.

It was lost on no one that Congregation Har Shalom, where the breakfast took place, was surrounded by police cars all morning.

Panel will soon release its final report on efforts to block the 2020 election, lawmaker tells a local Democratic group