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Frank A. DeFilippo - page 8

Whom the gods would destroy they first assign Beth Wojton as their deputy. Or, put another way, hell hath no fury like a woman…

Two political conventions took place in America – the tromp l’oeil on television and the social, economic and physical upheaval dragging the nation on…

In the great game of politics, Democrats, as a party, lack a mean streak. Too often they seem fixated on agendas, searching for the…


At another time and space, political bosses would welcome inclement weather as nature’s way of tamping down voter turnout. It was called “organization weather.”…

So here sits the City of Baltimore, plop in the middle of a fast-spreading extinction, its streets littered and in need of a massive…

Harvard Law School must be proud or ashamed, pleased or embarrassed, enthused or bemused – hard to tell, as it remains silent – over…

“When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching with torches and pictures of…

“It was the best of times, It was the worst of times, It was the age of wisdom, It was the age of foolishness…

More than just a few years ago, the Board of Public works approved the publication of the Public Papers of Spiro T. Agnew as…

Economics is the study of money in motion. Idle money, or the lack of it, does nobody any good. Extrapolation is risky business. But…